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Driving Engagement through a Visual-Heavy Web Game Competition

#huntthemouse - Sqkii

Sqkii is a gamification marketing agency based in Singapore. We were commissioned to design the animation and assets for their latest web game adventure, Hunt the Mouse. This contest is open to all Singaporeans, with rewards given for finding items in the game as participants walk around in the real world.

The look and feel of the game were designed to be dynamic and engaging in order to attract more participants.

The Visual Team Portfolio Hunt the mouse box thumbnail




UI Design, Animation, illustration

The Visual Team Portfolio Hunt the mouse box thumbnail

Hunt the mouse animation

Hunt The Mouse Sqkii box background
Play Video

Mobile UI screen


Desktop UI Screen


Homepage Hero section


Homepage Video view section


Game entry page


Homepage game guiding section

Custom QR Code

Gameplay experience

The Visual Team project thumbnail - #huntthemouse sqkii
Play Video about The Visual Team project thumbnail - #huntthemouse sqkii